Don't do it... don't read this masterpiece out of order... I know it's tempting... go to this link and start here... then read about Jamaica and then you have earned the joy of reading this :).
Due to the extremely sensitive nature of this trip I really can't post any pictures of the people we went to work with... I assure you I didn't just go on vacation and take pictures of my friends sleeping... but that is kinda what it looks like. I've been doing this trip for 16 years and it was an amazing privilege to be back one more time.
Here we are getting ready to leave! I have a shirt I always try and fly in... not sure you can tell :)
Sleeping is so important. Doctors say that getting inadequate sleep is worse than smoking a pack a day. You will die early if you are not rested and you will get sick and compromise your immune system. Next to wearing sunscreen, getting sleep is maybe the best most practical thing you can do for yourself. An adult needs close to 8 hours a day to stay healthy and teens need much much more. Maybe if we had more examples of people valuing sleep we would be more likely to value it ourselves. I know... I read an article annnnnndddddd watched a Ted Talk.
My cousin Sami is quite the incredible travel agent... if you are planning a trip you can give him and his wife Joanna a heads up and some incentive and see what they can do for you. It was amazing! He booked the nicest bus I have ever been on for us to get where we were going (secret). I rested while my team planned. I know... servant leadership is important for me in a team.
It was so great to meet up with old friends! One of the great joys of the tip was getting more time with this lovely young lady and to hear all the cool things she is up to. Our first night there she invited us to go and see Indiana Jones! It was the first time I'd been to the movies in Thailand... it was such a fun experience.
The place we stayed had so many wonderful places to spend time with the Lord. It was so cool to be surrounded by such beauty for that whole time. They also had a really nice gym, so I was able to keep my workouts on track. That was such a gift from the Lord and has never happened to me before.
We needed to change rooms half way through the time there. Here is where I did most of my preaching the second half of the time there. Fond memories. I also was able to record four of my messages (thanks to Diane asking me to). I'll put them here in case you are interested.
I didn't record my first message... so here they are in order from 2-5.

This picture speaks for itself... I was duct taped covered in candy and made a human piñata for the Lord.
I love the banners we do. I have been trying to figure out how to make this into a t-shirt. I have all the old banners from years past and this one we gave to a lucky participant to cherish. These are great ways to remember the time we had together!
These people will live forever!
They say that exercise is more important the eating healthfully! I know! Often we don't have to chose between the two, but the reality is that if you have to choose, say you are in a situation where all you can get are simple carbs... like rice for every meal or something, you should exercise and know that you are doing something amazing for your body. There are lots of things that you can do with just your own body weight, like push-ups for example. You can even make them really hard, like doing clap push-ups or one armed ones. And, that is just the beginning! Strength training your whole life will give you a longer life! They say that they have linked longevity to arm size... I know that's nuts right? Any way I'm thankful for the examples of strength training in my life.
Sometimes you lose a bet though and need to pay up in the airport where you are stuck over night. On a different note we had an overnight in L.A. where we got really intimate with this corner outside of the Southwest counters.
This was a really great trip... really healing for me to get to see so many people again after so long doing things on zoom with them. I helped keep the youth group alive doing zoom once a month. It had been about five years since this event happened. It was amazing how they bonded so quickly, faster than any other group I have ever been a part of. They were hungry and God had a feast for everyone!
We played soccer, went to a water park, cried together, video scavenger hunted, had a baptism, watched silly videos, laughed together, sought God for an hour every morning, devotioned, guys/girls nighted, fun nighted, ate so much ice cream and much much more!
God took all the time and made so much of it. I can't remember a time where I have received more from God. I shared 6 messages, the 5 on receiving and then my testimony, I did two group devotionals and also shared at the teens graduation. I was so blessed that God kept pouring out living water as I trusted in Him. My cousin encouraged me so much (my team does encouragements every morning at breakfast) saying "I don't know how you keep having more good things to share after all these times sharing, you don't run dry." That meant so much.
I wanted to share some of the feedback from the kids!
"It was so great to have you as a leader. In past conferences, I would see you with the youth, and be looking forward to the conf I could have you as a leader, so I'm very grateful to have you as a leader now. You always have such a contagious laugh, and are very fun in all our games. But of course, the best part of seeing you everyday is the 45 mins you spend yelling at us (the sermons). I've learned a lot from you, so thank you!"
"There's so much I could say. I really admire your steadfastness in the Lord. You have such a gift for teaching and I enjoy each time you share something. You are so much fun and just spread joy and laughter wherever you go. Even just your presence is encouraging. I love how you inspire us and challenge us to press into God more and more. You are such a good leader (and know that it's okay not to do everything by yourself). I appreciate how you've been so real and shared about your weaknesses as well. It encourages me to do the same. I'll miss you! You're awesome to the power of awesomeness. Go Superman!"
You are a huge part of this trip and all the fruit that it is bearing. Your prayers, love, encouragement, financial support and more and more go into making these things a reality. As you partner here with me you also take part in advancing God's kingdom all over the world in all the places he sends US! Thank you so much for being in this with me and helping me and my family while I'm gone. My heart is tired and ready to be home... but so so full!
There is so much more to share and things that I can share in person that I can't share here... let me know if you want to get together and hear more!
Now head back to the
Family post and keep the adventure going! Maybe take a small break first :)
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or with recurring gifts, the easiest was is to use Zelle. You can follow this link zellepay or scan the code below. That will start the process of getting you set up to use Zelle with your bank or If you already use Zelle it will direct you to the banking app you use and give you instructions from there. To send me money use my email If you would like any help setting that up feel free to contact me directly! 214 558 8431.
Another way to donate to the ministry if Zelle isn't an option is via check. If you write a check to "Holy Cross Lutheran Church" and put "Caleb Robbins Ministry" in the memo line, it will get deposited into my ministry account. If you would rather set up a bill pay or have any other questions you can call the Church at 817-451-7561. Let them know you want to Support Caleb Robbins and his ministry serving Missionary Kids.
The address is:Holy Cross Lutheran Church
4400 W Arkansas Ln
Arlington, TX 76016
Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my precious children Creed 16, Asher 13, Liam 11, Echo already in heaven, Bella 8, and Serenity 7 years old.
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