Without Diane... With Diane :)...

My beautiful wife and daughter are exploring the wonders of the Northwest with Diane's sisters (Kelsey and Lisa) for a much needed and long overdo vacation and get away. My wife works long and hard and is often left to care for all the kids on her own while I go off on trips all over the world... that and just day to day living takes a toll... and it was high time that she got away. It's great! I'm so happy for her... but as you can see my life feels a little empty without her. She is coming back this Saturday, and I have been blessed by the company of good friends while she's been away. People have helped to watch my kids while I needed to do work, and have been kind in cooking food and just being great company. I'm a high extrovert (wipe that sarcastic look off your face :) and I get lonely fast. God is so good, but I'm really excited to have my wife home soon. I hope that didn't sound too pathetic... but it's where I'm at.
As you can see Hobbitville (the Dallas MK camp that kicks off our year) went very, very well! I was so delighted to have my family there and deeply touched at how my MK family loved on my kids! It was so cool how Abby and some of the other girls encouraged Asher to take his first ride on a zipline. He was so scared, but confronted his fears and did it. Pete did a great job sharing Gods truth with us and the kids all loved being with him and listening to him! Stephen led us in powerful worship sessions by being so genuine and using his spiritual gifts. Michal had great games for us to play that made us laugh and brought us closer together. It was smooth and left us all feeling like family!
Speaking of family, for the first time ever we held a get together at my house the day camp ended. I was so touched by how many people showed up, and how it just felt like family all hanging out together. These kids just love being together and doing life together and that environment leads to incredible growth.
So much to share about the ministry! I started a guys small group that has been a huge blessings so far. I was only going to meet twice a month, but these guys want to meet every week and that is cool, it's so cool to see something that is valuable enough to them that they will make the time for it. These students are so busy, but many of them have caught the truth that spending time with the Lord is something that comes first. I was so encouraged to hear from one of the parents that their son wakes up early every morning before school to start his day with the Lord!
Thank you for your prayers and support. God is filling up my life with so much opportunity! Please pray for wisdom and humility as I serve these kids and their parents this Fall. Please pray for provision for my upcoming trips to Thailand, Guinea, and Jamaica, starting in January of next year.
I am so encouraged and blessed to have such a loving, kind and wonderful group of people behind me in this ministry. Your encouragement, support, prayers and generosity mean so much to me and my family and keep this ministry thriving! I love you, and I pray for you often!
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and sign up for Chase Quickpay. You can then send your donation to HCLC - Caleb Robbins Ministry using my e-mail address caleb_robbins@sil.org. If you would like further instructions on setting that up please click on the link at the top right of the page called How to give.
The other way to donate to my ministry is via check. If you write a check to "Holy Cross Lutheran Church" and put "Caleb Robbins Ministry" in the memo line it will get deposited into my ministry account.
The address is:
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
4400 W Arkansas Ln, Arlington, TX 76016
Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my precious children Creed 9, Asher 7, Liam 4, Echo already in heaven, Bella 2, and Serenity.
p.s. ChaseQuick Pay has changed some of their rules. If this option no longer works for you please let me know and I will work with you to find another solution. Sending checks directly to my church or setting up another option. Thanks for hanging in there with me through all the annoying changes in how I can receive support! Your support means a great deal to me!