We finally got a table that fits our family and we have already been enjoying some amazing family dinners! This thing will hold 10 people around it... one day perhaps my kids will bring some special people home and we can put the leaf in :). Family is so important! It's been so good to be home with mine!
This cat has adopted us...it belongs to another family... but really it likes me :). This sweet little kitten is my new workout buddy and porch friend. We don't let her inside but I enjoy having her around... for the most part. She did jump on my chest just when I was about to do a bench press and that was interesting :).
February is the new spring here in Texas... at least it feels that way this year! We have loved being able to go outside with our kids and get back into the groove of outdoor living! We did a service project with the MKs at Lakeside park. We cleaned up trash and then cooked out. It was so good! One of the young adults invited someone to share in the feast and it was a great opportunity to share the love of God!
We just had our annual youth conference Planet Wisdom. Here one of our youth is arm wrestling one of the speakers. I saw him walk by and kindly asked him to arm wrestle Ben. It was an epic battle of strength and will.
The theme of the conference was "Fearless". I really appreciated the idea that as we trust God more, we fear less. I also really enjoyed a magician they had there this year. Overall it was a great conference!
God has been teaching me a lot about identity lately. He's our good good Father and we are loved by Him! They should write a song about that :). It's been so transforming and I've really enjoyed sharing what I'm learning with the youth. I want to see this generation walking freely in the love God has given them and to be free of shame, condemnation, and guilt. I know that as the love of God penetrates deep into their hearts they will be able to completely let go of their own insecurities and share His love with all those around them! The potential is incredible and I can see a generation of youth who know who God is and know who they are!

I'm pumped to see a bunch of meat eaters taking over their schools and neighborhoods with the love of God.
That picture also makes me hungry...
Thank you for your prayers and support! God is doing some great work in my life and in the lives of the kids and families that I get to serve! You are a part of all of this and I'm so grateful! I couldn't do this ministry without you!
I'm excited to keep pursuing my new responsibilities with Pioneer Bible Translators. My job title with them is very fancy :). T.C.K. Coordinator. I'm thrilled to get to know the children of PBT and learn how I can serve them. Thanks for your prayers for me as I take on this role in addition to what I'm doing as the Director of Youth Ministry for S.I.L. here in Dallas. There is a lot of crossover in what I'm already doing as many of the kids in both organizations come to the youth group.
March is a welcome month of rest... April-June should be very busy!
Please pray for...
My planning trip to Jamaica (I leave early April and get back the day before my cousin's wedding... and...)
My first time officiating a wedding :). I'm so excited... I just need to land on time and be able to be there :). Pray for Linda to have peace! :)
My trip to Guinea (I leave the end of April to do a youth conference for PioneerBible Translators)
So yeah, for my family while I'm gone :)...
You all are such an amazing source of joy! You love me and my family and communicate the comfort and love and peace of God to us so well! We love you!
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and sign up for Chase Quickpay. You can then send your donation to HCLC - Caleb Robbins Ministry using my e-mail address caleb_robbins@sil.org. If you would like further instructions on setting that up please click on the link at the top right of the page called How to give.
Chase QuickPay has changed some of their rules. If this option no longer works for you please let me know and I will work with you to find another solution. Thanks for hanging in there with me through all the annoying changes in how I can receive support! Your support means a great deal to me!
Another way to donate to my ministry is via check. If you write a check to "Holy Cross Lutheran Church" and put "Caleb Robbins Ministry" in the memo line it will get deposited into my ministry account.