Coming in at 9 lbs and 2 oz with a height of 20.25 in, Serenity Robbins has exploded onto the scene and is capturing hearts every where!
Diane went into labor Friday evening, but was able to still get some... some... rest. The next morning things picked up quite a bit, and by 9 am the mid wives were at our house and we were helping Diane 'the Rock' Robbins through contractions, that were getting ever closer. By 11:26 am Serenity was on the scene, and she came faster than any of her other siblings! It was amazing, and Diane was so strong and has been spectacular ever since. She has energy and is doing so well and so is the baby. Bookend due date babies!
My parents took the boys for most of the day Saturday, and dropped Bella off for a nap mid way through. Diane and I enjoyed a relaxed day taking care of our precious gift and enjoyed a truly restful Sunday altogether as one happy family. We had rain all day Sunday which was amazing and we have just relaxed and stared in wonder at our amazing gift!
We are so thankful for the community around us. My cousin brought us lunch on Saturday and one of my amazing MKs (Lydia!!! The Bomb!!!) started a Meal Train for us... we are so grateful! It is amazing how many likes babies get on Facebook :).
Well that is the biggest news... clearly! But, I guess a lot of life has happened since I last wrote. You know it's so funny how you just don't know when to write the next blog... waiting for Easter... then for Creed's birthday... then for the baby to be born... well it's all happened now :).

Also here is a bunch of pictures of the transformation that we did to our yard... yeah, I love that spring is here and we can put beautiful plants in your yard again...
Well... I just really like yard work! It's so fun getting outside with Diane and the kids and working together and then having fun enjoying smores and other such things while the weather is nice!
In the midst of all the fun we went to Costco... of course... and here Asher made the most creative hot dog... this picture reminds me why I love having kids so much!
They finally came and got the remnants of the mess we made when we cleaned up the neighbors yard. It felt so good to see the truck come and take all that stuff away! I love my MKs! They are so amazing and here are some pics of Guys night and game night! We have so much fun together and I'm so blessed to be able to minister to such amazing kids!
Game Night!
Guys Night!!! Roasting Meat, Watching 'Second Hand Lions', feats of strength and wielding epic weapons!I'm an amazing photographer!
We take our mini golf seriously :)
I'm tired... and not just from writing all this... But, it's a good tired... a tired that comes from enjoying the fullness that God has brought to my life. Thank you for being a huge part of that fullness! I'm so grateful for you and your support and relationship and prayers! I feel so blessed to have Serenity here and to have such a great family, to have the MKs in my life and for the adventure I get to live and I'm so blessed to have you in my life! Thanks for making so much of this possible!
Please be praying for Serenity and Diane to get the rest they need and to heal well! Praise God for how smooth everything has been so far! Having a baby at 11 am beats 4 am any day!
Please be praying for my trip to Malaysia... I still need 2 Baby caregivers to complete my team and would really like to get my tickets soon. Please pray that we can get our team complete and tickets purchased by the end of this week... ha it sounds impossible... yeah well we have God on our side sooooo we get to ask for the impossible.
Thanks again for your love and support! You are amazing! I love you!
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and sign up for Chase Quickpay. You can then send your donation to HCLC - Caleb Robbins Ministry using my e-mail address If you would like further instructions on setting that up please click on the link at the top right of the page called How to give.
The other way to donate to my ministry is via check. If you write a check to "Holy Cross Lutheran Church" and put "Caleb Robbins Ministry" in the memo line it will get deposited into my ministry account.
The address is:
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
4400 W Arkansas Ln, Arlington, TX 76016
Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my precious children Creed 8, Asher 6, Liam 4, Echo already in heaven, Bella 1, and Serenity 3 days old :).