I finished my teaching on "The Pursuit of God" by A.W. Tozer this week in MK and my take away from the book is one question that can be phrased so many different ways. Essentially can I, can we, give up our world to pursue His world? you cannot serve two masters, do you love me more than these, keep yourselves from idols... it is so powerful this thought that rings throughout scripture, will you lose your life and let God save it or will you save your own life and lose it forever?
I have really enjoyed having people come and see me in the office lately, two friends from my former job have been able to come down and visit, Cris and Lisa, and then I was able to meet a family just visiting for spring break and then yesterday some of the kids finally came and sat in my office and we had cookies :). One of my favorite parts of this job is relating to all the great people that cross my path.

(wonderful family and my silly finger... I wasn't called to be a photographer :)
Last Friday I did some exploring after I wrote my blog and enjoyed meeting some of the other people who work in the building. So many of them know my family in some way shape or form since most of my family is or has been a part of Wycliffe. Being a third generation MK helps with making connections around the work place.
This week we took the senior class out for dinner to celebrate them. I always hate saying good bye to the seniors but hey if I have to say good bye I might as well get some steak out of the deal :). It was great to see them all together, they are so busy with school they can't always make it on Monday nights.
I am getting ready to go to Africa soon and this week was shot week, six shots one day no waiting, wow it was great! The Lord showed his kindness in this and in so many ways this week as I prepared for the crazy month of April that is staring me in the face. I have realized that crazy is normal and that normal is crazy and I'm so thankful for a kind Lord and a good wife to help me get through. This week my computer died but thanks to Jason Martin it has been brought back to newness of life and has repented of all its strange behavior and decided to go and sin no more.
My sister in law Lisa is here and it is a great joy to see her. I got to see my other sister in law Kelsey last weekend at a wedding for my wife's cousin. I have such a wonderful extended family! Lisa is here to say good bye to her parents before they leave next week. It is sad to see them go but it's very exciting to know they are following their dream and spreading the gospel! At least they are leaving Mark behind with us. It is going to be fun having a full house again.
Romans 2:4
4Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?
I can really relate to this verse this week, I am overwhelmed by God's kindness and see this connection to repentance so clearly in my life. I am so encouraged by how much support has come in for my ministry (getting closer to full support every day), by his grace through my computer dying and finding full recovery, his mercy with my six shots and no side effects, his peace in the future that lies ahead, and his joy in friendship with my community.
God you are my God and I will ever praise you and I will seek you in the morning and I will learn to walk in your ways and step by step you'll lead me and I will follow you all of my days!
My heart is full of praise for my God who truly does give good gifts to his children! This morning I was truly encouraged by the community God has surrounded me with and their love and support that is so undeserving!
Transition is coming with leaving people and people moving in.
I'm preparing to teach the Sermon on the Mount.
Trips and for my family during them and for decisions on when my family should come with me.
I consider it pure joy to be on this adventure with you! Your prayers carry me and protect me and your support encourages me and provides for my family, the Lord uses you in my life powerfully. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, I could not walk this road alone!
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and search for Caleb Robbins and then click on Caleb and Diane Robbins. Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my three precious children Creed 5, Asher 3, and Liam 1.