After many hours of shopping Diane and I got a little crazy and put on our Santa Hats and acted slightly goofy at the rest of the stores we visited. Here is a picture of me getting a Starbucks mug with a gift card I was given. You can see the crazy in my eyes :).
It was truly great having family in town. Christmas week was full of watching "Lord of the Rings" and visiting and eating and going on walks and just enjoying each other. The only downside was the family getting sick. We all came down either slightly or greatly with a form of the flu. I only had one night that was a little less epic than most, but my kids suffered slightly more.
Just before the Christmas holidays Creed performed epicaly in his schools Christmas program. He had a line and everything. Here we are getting our picture with the little actor. Last year he was all decked out with a tie and vest, and this year he just decided to wear his pj's.
One of the more fun events we do with the MK's is broom ball. Maybe some of you are familiar with it. I didn't play much growing up in Congo but I'm happy that the last six years working with the MK's have given me ample time to make up for that. As you can see it is quite fun! I wasn't going to play because of my back and such... but, well... you just have to do certain things sometimes... it was great and I didn't get hurt.
The days went by and many good times were had, many walks and talks and such and before I knew it 2013 was gone and 2014 came bursting forth. So far this new year I have gone to Austin to visit my good friends down there who I enjoy going to Thailand with, I have seen my friend Joel move out of my place and into his own wonderful new place. I have enjoyed seeing the kids go back to school and I have enjoyed getting back into the swing of things with the MK's. It's been really nice to see everyone again! This past Saturday we went and served at a homeless shelter called Dallas Life.

I really enjoy my job because I get to work with the best staff and we get to serve the best kids! It is really a blessing and I'm so thankful for all of you being a big part of it! I am overwhelmed by your support and your prayers and I'm humbled by a God who calls us to things that bring us life, who says to us "Be who I made you to be and I will provide for you".
I hope that 2014 provides an incredible adventure for us all, where we go higher and deeper along the paths that God has for us, where we learn to trust him more as the adventure gets more exciting and where we have firmly cemented in our minds that we are on the path with our best friend.
If God is for us who can stand against us?
Bless you in this New Year!
Caleb Robbins
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis (for a mission trip) or on a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and search for Caleb and Diane Robbins. Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my three precious children Creed 6, Asher 4, and Liam 2.