Perhaps this picture is the bet part of my blog and you should look at it for a couple more minutes and call it a day :).
This game night was so fun... perhaps epic is the word to use here. We got so messy and disgusting with water balloons, raw eggs, and shaving cream we just felt like... well, like kids again. Of course as the author of the game night I got the brunt of the messy gunk on me... raw eggs were smashed with abandon on my head as well as shaving cream sprayed and balloons hurled. It's good to be a youth pastor!

This has been a great week so far. This game night was last Friday and it was a really great bonding time. I can't remember the last time we did something like this with the MK's, but I will say that I really dislike filling up water balloons. I was really grateful that one of our star volunteers came over and helped me (thanks Nadia). After filling countless water balloons, since so many break, my own kids dreams of having an epic water balloon fight were postponed. So if any of you want to come over and fill balloons for them please feel free.
My parents are here and I helped them move to their 'permanent' shelter today. Permanent while they are state side. It is great to have this job now because I have more flexibility to help them during the day and to get to see them.
Diane is still struggling through morning sickness, please keep her in your prayers. Apparently having a baby is really hard work :). I'm so proud of you D! My back feels amazing, your prayers are really helping! I feel more normal now then I have in months! I could say I'm at 90% and not be stretching the truth!
Bob, my good boss man Bob, is in Jamaica this week preparing for our mission trip next year and tying up some lose ends from last trip and so I'm here holding down the fort. I miss having him in the office.
MK is going really well, I really enjoy all the activities I'm involved in and we are getting a lot more kids coming this year which is really encouraging and fun! I'm also pumped about the small group that Diane and I lead, I feel very blessed and I'm so grateful for you all making this dream possible for me and my family.
My trip to Thailand is finally on the horizon! I have the dates locked down for the end of January through the beginning of February 2014. I'm really looking forward to seeing those wonderful MK's over there! Last time I went I really felt God encouraging me to take the leap into full time ministry and in the mountains of Chang Mai he reminded me to 'lift my eyes up to the mountains and remember that my help comes from Him'. Good lesson for sure! I'm excited to see what he will teach me this trip and eager for him to use me!
This trip is going to cost $2500 for the airfare and room and board. If you want to be involved in this part of my ministry you can click on the tab at the top of the blog that says Supporting the Work. That will take you to the WA website and if you search for Caleb and Diane Robbins you will find my ministry account and you can donate directly online. All donations through WA are tax deductible. I appreciate you being willing to help me with this, I couldn't go if God didn't call you to send!
My kids are doing well, they love having grandparents around! Mark (my brother in law) is a joy to have around and he is in the thick of school and choir but still doing great, getting sleep is a challenge sometimes but other then that he's good. Joel is back in the garage and looking for direction in his future endeavors. I'm so proud of how he has gotten a car and a job and is slowly discovering what God has for him on this side of the ocean. I enjoy having him around! He is learning to follow God one step at a time without worrying.
Bless you all!
Lift your eyes up and remember where your help comes from...
Caleb Robbins