So much happens in life that the new normal is the abnormal... and just when you get used to that the old normal resurfaces... I call this the things that fall... in between the craziness of last post and this one... an assortment of God filled experiences that will be randomly given as an offering of thanks.
It is so wonderful to have my parents back! My kids love their Grandparents so much and it blesses me to know that my parents make such an effort to be involved in the lives of my children. They go to school to eat lunch with them and come over in the afternoons to play with them. They gave my older boys bikes and even joined us on a zoo adventure. Liam was especially heart broken when he heard that my parents are going on an extended P.D. trip. It has also been especially nice to have my sister around to play with my kids and to have all four of us together is truly wonderful. Thank you God for family and for all the joy that brings and how full it makes my heart and my house :).
My Liam just had a birthday! He is a big 6 year old now!!! We celebrated with pumpkin pie and lots of family. He is such a sweetheart! Liam I love your tender heart and your sweet attitude. I like how goofy you are and how thoughtful you are becoming! Thanks for all your sweet prayers for me and mommy!
I'm so proud of Creed. He was celebrated along with 6 other students (one for each grade) for being outstanding in the first 9 weeks. That is 7 out of 600 students. We were invited to a special breakfast for him and got to hear his teacher talk about what a great kid he is. It warms my father's heart to see my son walking in the way he should go! I'm so proud of you Creed! That was a very special thing to be invited to!
My children are goofy and fun and I really love being a father of 5! Here Asher is feeding Serenity something delicious. It's so good to have the older boys help around the house!
My girls are enjoying the rain... one of them understands umbrellas and the other one is just cute :).
Sunday football time with my boys! Tackled and then somehow fell asleep on the couch. Go figure :).
The ministry is going so well! I have an incredible group of MKs to love and an amazing group of people to work with. Here is a picture of us all going to see one of the MKs in her staring role in Cats the Musical. I enjoyed taking my boys along for the ride. We have such a great community!
I started this event called MKs Ride the Rhino! We all go to a local coffee shop and enjoy playing games and hanging out! We also learn how to navigate the cultural staple known as the coffee menu! Now with confidence we can order drinks such as "Little Sebastian" or "Hug in a Cup". We no longer fear the ordering process or look on in envy as those around us drink things that we could never imagine names for :).
We have has so many great events during the last month or so! There is never a good time to write about them because just when I sit down to write, I think of 3 more coming up soon that would be fun to tell you about. The picture below was taken after one of our epic night game events! We played Sardines and Grey Wolf and Assassin and then joyfully collapsed on the ground for this picture... some of us got up quicker than others.
I've enjoyed starting up a guys small group with Josh Carlton, one of my amazing MK leaders! Here is the end of our first guys event! These amazing kids Risked it all playing Risk and shut down the party! You know you have something good going when the kids leave almost an hour after the party is supposed to end :).
I added some pictures from my zoo adventure here... just to show you that I'm also very good with animals. I found a bird that makes a face I like to make... I also got the chance to kiss a hippo. Yes I'm versatile!
God is so good and as I said, the ministry is thriving. I just finished teaching a Trauma healing Advanced workshop and have two more healing groups that will take me to the end of the year. We bought our tickets for the Solomon Islands and are preparing for that adventure. There are lots of impending Fall Festivals and suches looming in the near future, but beyond the activity how do you measure what a thriving ministry is? Let me share a few short testimonies from a couple of the parents.
"Because of Caleb’s care for the youth, and his intentional teaching, and focus on the Word of God, our son was encouraged to begin immersing himself in the Word every day like he’d never done before."
"He is thriving in his MK identity and his own calling to missions. He has been given a solid foundation emotionally and spiritually through the MK group. We are excited to see what God will do in his life in the future."
Hearing that blesses me so much! What would it profit a man to gain the whole world and yet forfeit his soul. Real prosperity is in knowing God and growing in that knowledge daily! You are a huge part of the testimonies because without your support, both prayerfully and financially, I wouldn't be able to be a part of this incredible adventure! God is using you to truly impact lives! Thank you!
I need wisdom and humility to lead this group! There are some significant changes coming in the next year!
I'm finding myself increasingly busy! Yay God! Please pray that I follow my good Shepherd by still waters and into green pastures!
God has provided faithfully for us to get our tickets to the Solomon Islands. Please continue to pray for provision for the other trips coming up next year!

Thank you for standing with me in this calling! I'm encouraged and motivated by those verses and I'm inspired and blessed by your partnership!
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Another way to donate to my ministry is via check. If you write a check to "Holy Cross Lutheran Church" and put "Caleb Robbins Ministry" in the memo line it will get deposited into my ministry account.