Backing up now to early January... I had the joy of attending this young man's birthday party! It was at a Brazilian pizzeria; aka endless pizza brought to you until you pop! I have really enjoyed getting to know Lucas; mentoring him is a great honor. I look forward to baptizing him soon... when the water is much warmer :). He is dating an incredible MK whom I know and love ;). It's so fun watching Jess thrive in college and learn how to adult!
Our family deeply mourned the loss of our dog Daisy. She was with us for nearly 13 years and brought a lot of joy to our family! The day she died, the Lord was so kind to us and gave us lots of time with her. I spent the afternoon by her side. When evening came, the family gathered around her and told her how much she meant to us. We were all balling our eyes out. Asher pet her for so long. Eventually she got up and moved to the hallway, and then as we were watching a show all together she got up one last time, trying to move away from us (I think most animals when they know they are passing want to be alone) and laid down by the desk. Asher and I both watched her take her last breath and with tear-filled eyes we buried her in the backyard. Before we covered her over with dirt we gathered again to say good bye and then went inside and prayed and grieved. The way we grieved her passing allowed us to heal quickly, and though I'm feeling really sad as I type this out it is much easier for all of us since we all got to say goodbye. I look forward to seeing Daisy again in that awesome garden where she and Charlie are surely playing and having a blast... with Shep and Patches and all the rest of the animals I hold in my heart.

I have such goofy kids! Here they are pretending to be dogs going through obedience school. Wait to eat your treat!
MK has had some tearful goodbyes lately. Our tradition is praying over anyone who is leaving, short term or long term and then singing Step by Step, that great Rich Mullins song. We are a group of transition and we are full of prayer warriors!

I had the joy of taking some dance lessons with Diane at one of her friend's birthday parties. What a clever way to celebrate your birthday! Now I can kind of Salsa dance :). It was a great time! What a fun wife and what fun friends!
I'm excited that my trips are coming more and more into focus for the summer! Thanks for your prayers. Next month I get to lead a Trauma Healing mini session at Tacoa Falls! I'm excited for the opportunity!
Some exciting MK news!!! We have picked a new camp and I'm really excited for what it means for the future of the group. Hopefully in two years we will be able to do camp with our group and the Kids on the Go (4-6th grade) crew!
Please pray with me as I tackle LGBTQ+ issues at MK. Recently I've become really passionate about equipping the MK group to advance God's kingdom in this area! I have a guest speaker coming in to share what the Bible teaches about this issue and then another speaker coming in to give practical advice and help to our group from the perspective of someone who can relate. I hope to be able to equip my parents, and my youth to spread God's love and hope and to create an environment that is safe for MKs to share their own struggles, if they have them. I'm excited and also a little nervous! I covet your prayers.
So many cool things are happening and I am so grateful for your prayers and financial support along the way. God uses you to show me His love and favor and big things are happening here through this ministry! Recently I got a letter from one of the MKs sharing how grateful they were for the impact the group has had on her. How she is understanding more and more about who she is in Christ and recognizing the gift of righteousness! She talked about being more than a conqueror and the power that is having on her day-to-day life. I was overwhelmed and I want to share that joy with you because you are a big part of it! Praise God for your faithfulness in backing this ministry and my family as we serve here. There is good fruit!

This verse, although perhaps a little strange at first, has really gripped my heart! God is teaching me more and more about 'being' and this verse touches this amazing truth.... "since you truly are unleavened"... we 'take hold of' who we be through our faith in the finished work of Christ. It is finished and I want to learn more and more how to walk in the fullness of what that means. I marvel at what God has truly made me... what he has truly made you! Now let us live in and from it!
Thanks for all your prayers for Diane... she is truly amazing and walking more and more in fullness and finding greater and greater freedom from panic! Her work is very intense right now though, so please pray for strength and endurance!
Blessings on you all! I love you dearly and am so grateful for you!
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or with recurring gifts, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and sign up for Chase Quickpay. You can then send your donation to HCLC - Caleb Robbins Ministry using my e-mail address If you would like further instructions on setting that up, please click on the link at the top right of the page called How to give. Or feel free to contact me directly! 214 558 8431.
Another way to donate to the ministry is via check. If you write a check to "Holy Cross Lutheran Church" and put "Caleb Robbins Ministry" in the memo line, it will get deposited into my ministry account.