Your love, oh Lord
Reaches to the heavens
Your faithfulness stretches to the sky
Your righteousness is like the mighty mountains
Your justice flows like the ocean's tide
I will lift my voice
To worship You, my King
I will find my strength
In the shadow of your wings
"Creed, Asher, Liam, get in the car we have to go. Today is going to be a car day, and Creed we are going to visit a cavern for your birthday..."
We drove until we couldn't drive anymore. Exhaustion was overcoming us. But, on the way we passed a giant wind farm that made Creed very happy, he wanted us to sleep underneath one for his birthday but eventually we convinced him that the caverns would be a better choice. I couldn't get a Marriott to house us so the next best thing was Motel 6... the memories of my childhood trips came flooding back as we checked in and gently laid the sleeping children on their bed. Motel 6, you have thin walls but tired overcomes noise and we were tired! Diane and I were disappointed when a very hungry and fussy Liam woke us up far too early the next morning. We didn't have any snacks and were left trying to satisfy him with water... so we quickly got ourselves packed up and over to the IHOP for a birthday breakfast.

I quickly informed the staff that it was Creed's birthday and just before we left they came around with ice cream and singing to cheer us on our way.

Back in the car for thirty minutes to the Carlsbad Caverns. Wow that a wonderful idea to go there! I wanted to push through and make it to Silver City early in the morning but my friend Tony recommended we make the stop and smell the guano? Well, there was plenty of it in the cavern near the top but he did actually say roses. The drive up to the Cavern was breathtakingly beautiful and the time there was fantastic. The caverns are 75 stories underground and the walk through them was close to 4 miles total. We walked around the "Big Room" and then my very brave and athletic family hiked out... yes we were the only ones who were doing this... we passed many people hiking in but no one is crazy enough to hike out 75 stories when there is a perfectly good elevator. Well almost no one! Props to my wife for carrying Liam out! She is truly amazing!

We were back in the car after a short (ha ha ha) hike and off to Silver City. We pulled into my Uncle Paul and Aunt Karisse's house around 18:30 (my blog I will use military time :) ) with kids who, although tired from the hike, were still eager to run around and fight invisible bad guys with sticks while we grilled burgers and prepared for one of many fantastic meals at the Moores'. My Aunt didn't know it was Creed's birthday...I'm sure if she had known there would have been all sorts of incredible birthday whats its and who's its but she did a great job of improvising with a candle and some delicious friendship bread.

By the time dinner was over we were ready for bed, so after a quick bath time we all crashed and enjoyed the beautiful quiet of Silver City and the peace of staying with loved ones. The stars from our bedroom were bright and well... visible, which is quite a treat coming from the city.
It seems that no matter when we put our kids to bed they always get up too early. Sunday morning-the big day-was already here and I had barely gotten dressed and my things together when it was time to go... bummer, no breakfast no coffee... but God is good! At Uncle/Pastor/Father Paul's church they provide these wonderful things and I partook very gratefully. The service was wonderful, filled with Liturgy no singing, and I must say my Uncle can preach! After it was all said and done I was given the Sunday school hour to share my heart and my ministry and I could feel your prayers as I shared.
After Sunday school we rushed off to Pastor Tony's church where we arrived in time to enjoy some spirit filled worship before I was interviewed and then preached the sermon. It was great getting a chance to preach from my heart and my heart was full... 40 minutes later after the preacher finally shut up we all gathered for a pizza lunch and good fellowship.
Tired but joyful we found our way back home to rest until mid afternoon when Tony and his lovely wife, Jodi, gathered us up again for another adventure. We drove deep into the mountains and hiked out to a beautiful spot where we climbed rocks and let the wind blow through our hair as we enjoyed the creativity and beauty of the landscape our awesome God created for us to enjoy. Then we drove through a neighborhood full of deer... yes deer not dear, and enjoyed getting close and personal with these presumptuous creatures. After that we were off to the park to drop off the kids with my relatives and then enjoyed a nice dinner with Tony and his wife.
The next morning we got up slowly, enjoying the pace that an extra day afforded us. Tony showed up mid morning and whisked us off to the City of Rocks - a most interesting and enjoyable state park.

The kids climbed everything in sight and after awhile we were all tired and the wind was raging so we packed up and enjoyed a little tour around the mountain. We saw "The Kneeling Nun" whom God had turned to stone because she fell in love with a buffalo soldier and wanted to be released from her vows.
We also got to see the oldest open pit mine in the U.S.
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The mine is in the background and here you see how big the tires are on the mining trucks! They are at least 10 feet tall |
When we were done seeing the sights we headed home for some much needed rest... well when I say rest I mean my most gracious life partner watched the little energizer bunnies play outside with the sticks and the dogs and the turtles while I napped. The afternoon slipped on by and then it was time to go out again this time with a hawk and an Uncle.

My Uncle Paul among his many talents hunts with hawks and Diane and I got to go out with him and beat the bush to scare rabbits or snakes or whatever out for the wonderful hawk to swoop down and devour. Yes we went hawking and it was super fun even though their was no game to be found. I think my wife looks great in her hawking outfit :).
Home again - tired but with ice cream in hand and cobbler on the table when we arrived. After a delicious dessert we drifted off to sleep and awoke to a morning crisp and wet. Wet is awesome in the desert and although it was quite chilly it was great to know that the rain/sleet/snow was a huge blessing to the community.
I jumped in the car and raced back to Tony's church where I enjoyed an hour long prayer meeting before my family would join me and we would all head back to Dallas. I was a little dubious about going to the meeting because I typically like getting an early start when I have to drive 12 hours, but this meeting was one of the best times of refreshment for me on the entire trip. They let me share my heart with them (pastors and leaders in the community) and then prayed for me and God did an immediate healing on my previously quite sore and tight back. It was incredible I could feel the love, joy and peace just flowing in the room from the heart of God to all of us and I left feeling blessed and refreshed.
Back in the car but this time with lots of snacks for the road, and we were homeward bound. With snow falling against the windshield we blazed down the mountain and hit the low desert where we found a formidable dust storm waiting for us. I have now seen tumbling tumble weeds flying across the road and dust so thick that you can't see 30 feet in front of you. All in all though it was a pleasant drive back and when we pulled into our driveway all I could think was "I got to see mountains Gandalph, mountains" what I imagine Bilbo would have said after a trip like this.
The trip was amazing and the car made it without any trouble at all.
For you and all you do!
For the healing in my back!
The journey continues and I need strength to persevere and wisdom to deal with the multitude of details well.
My family and wife are under extra strain while I'm gone so pray that people will surround them and support them while I'm away. That my wife will be able to get all her work done and live in the peace and joy that the Lord provides.
It was a great week and a great weekend away. I'm so grateful to be home and to have some time to rest before I head out again...
Philippians 1:3-6
3I thank my God every time I remember you. 4In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
Blessings to you all!
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and search for Caleb Robbins and then click on Caleb and Diane Robbins. Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my three precious children Creed 6, Asher 3, and Liam 1.