This photo is of two wonderful MKs that I get to eat with every so often. Not every MK makes it to Monday nights, and it is special when I get a chance to catch up with them over lunch. I look forward to more opportunities to connect with them!
We got to go to Austin two weeks ago and visit some dear friends and supporters. It was a wonderful get away and one that God is still using to inspire and encourage me. First off it's just great being with the Sieks! They are amazing people and great friends. It was also nice going down there with my cousin and his family. My parents had just gotten back from Africa and so we gave them the joy of watching our boys and just took Bella with us. She is so cute.

One of the fun things we got to do with them was play Top Golf. It was such a great time outside swinging away... we got baby sitters and enjoyed some relaxing adult time! Diane didn't play the whole game but we couldn't let her leave without hitting a few balls!
It was nice having time during the weekend to just relax and be a dad. One of the fun things we did on Saturday was go to the Siek's Granddaughter's soccer game. We also got to play a little soccer of our own with Bella. She is still mastering the kicking and fighting the urge to use her hands.
We have been graced with some amazing weather and it has provided us with some great times outside. My kids are on Spring Break this week and it was great getting out with them yesterday and playing at the park and going to Sonic. I was able to take my Surface Pro 4 and using my phone as a hot spot get some work done while they played away. While I was at Sonic I also got to eat lunch with an MK, which made the day even better.
Here we are serving at Mission Arlington... I love this mission because they are so good at reaching out meaningfully to their neighbors... and that has inspired me to reach out more to mine! We also enjoyed some ice cream after working hard delivering food and goods to an apartment complex.
God has put it squarely on my heart to be more involved in serving those around me. I decided to start inviting my neighbors over to get to know them and their needs. This service project was born from meeting with them. While in Austin I learned that the church the Sieks go to, is focusing on the same thing, they call it love where you live. It has spurred me on to hear what they were doing and has given me some great ideas do try up here in Dallas. The next big thing I want to do is have a neighborhood grill out!
I have really enjoyed partnering with the MKs in reaching out to my community. This latest service project made such a big impact on the neighborhood! The guy we served was deeply touched and our neighbor posted pictures of us serving on Facebook and many others have been blessed by seeing the love that is being extended.
I am looking forward to also go into the neighborhoods that my MK's live in to love and serve their neighbors. God is moving and he is communicating the same message to his people all over the place. It is so cool to be in harmony with what God is doing in his body!
Joel Satre has been such an encouragement to me in all of this. He is so pumped to serve and it spurs me on. After working at the house all morning and after the kids had gone and we were cleaning up the remnants we decided to go over to my other neighbors house and remove the tree from her roof. It has been there for quite some time and it was time to get it down. Joel was just pumped and ready to go and it made the job so much more fun! We are meant to live our lives in community and we need to! Encourage each other daily as long as it is called today so that none of you will be hardened by sins deceitfulness! Hebrews 3:13.
One of the things I try and do during school breaks is catch up with some college kids. It was really cool last week to catch up with Sean and this week I've enjoyed seeing Jordan during her break. I'm hoping to see even more of these great kids before the week is out.
One of the greatest joys in my life recently has been the opportunity to baptize some of these amazing MKs. I had that privilege on Sunday with yet another MK who was home briefly for Spring Break! My heart is full! Taylor asked me many years ago to baptize her and I'm so thrilled that the time was finally right for it to happen. I really enjoyed being able to do it outside and in a lake too. What an adventure!
This picture is of Sean's dad with Sean's baptism certificate :)! What a great memory.
Tonight is the first MK guys night that I have ever hosted. I feel bad that it has taken me this long to do one... but, I'm really excited for it!
Malaysia is coming together nicely... I'm so grateful for your prayers about it.
There is so much to share because God is doing so much and there is so much to praise Him for! I praise Him for you! Thank you for making it possible for me to be a part of all these things and more! I couldn't do this without your support and you are a big part of all of this outreach and love. Your love for me spurs me on and encourages me and your prayers sustain me and your financial support allows me to continue!
Pray for Diane as she gets closer and closer to having this baby!
I'm leading a Trauma Healing, Healing Group with my Dad, pray that goes well and bears much fruit!
Pray for me as I continue to reach out in my community! Pray for an epic grill out!
Pray for me as I continue to prepare for Malaysia.
Praise God with me for all the good things he has already done, for baptisms and great friends and opportunities!
I love you! Be blessed today! I want to leave you with this quote from C.S. Lewis... I hope it encourages you as much as it has me!
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and sign up for Chase Quickpay. You can then send your donation to HCLC - Caleb Robbins Ministry using my e-mail address If you would like further instructions on setting that up please click on the link at the top right of the page called How to give.
The other way to donate to my ministry is via check. If you write a check to "Holy Cross Lutheran Church" and put "Caleb Robbins Ministry" in the memo line it will get deposited into my ministry account.
The address is:
Holy Cross Lutheran Church
4400 W Arkansas Ln, Arlington, TX 76016
Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my precious children Creed 8, Asher 6, Liam 4, Echo already in heaven, Bella 1, and Serenity... yeah we are having another girl :)