April was a fantastic month filled with great activities and delightful amounts of rain... that have continued into the month of May. Things you learn from rain... well, Duncanville is quite beautiful when it's not suffering from drought :) and really people are quite beautiful when they are receiving from God what they need to grow as well. The metaphor for my work has been beautiful to think about! I want to be a source through which God can provide all that these MKs need to thrive where they are!
Asher is now a proud graduate of kindergarten! Yay Asher! The MK seniors have also enjoyed the MK senior dinner and graduation ceremony and we have officially opened the pool with our great fund raiser.
The Gebauers are back and Mark is out and our house is now just a Robbins nest of sorts :). It's nice to have the extra space which we have turned into a play room for the kids.
My life is going through some interesting changes that I look forward to letting you know about once the dust settles, but I appreciate your prayers for me during all the business this time of year brings and with the interesting things that God is doing in my life and ministry!
Oh yeah did I mention two weddings have taken place since I last wrote? Yeah the busy month of life is right! Now we seem to be past the bulk of it, in fact tonight is my last MK before the summer program kicks off... ha, I should know better than to say things like that :).
You guys rock! Your prayers are heard and are powerful. I feel sustained, blessed, encouraged, and am filled with peace that I don't understand and joy that gives me strength. Your generosity toward my ministry makes the trips and the every day living possible and is incredible to me. I have the best partners in the world, you all are a huge part of what I do and you are all like family. Thank you, I am filled with gratitude when I think of you and I pray for you and praise God for you!
Okay now some pictures :)
Senior Dinner
MK Event: Sonic and fun at Armstrong Park
Monday Night Artwork! Yeah we have fun at Youth group!

Mothers Day
MK Event: Rock Climbing
MK Fund Raiser: The Pool Opening
Date Night! Diane and I seeing Mat Kearney
One of the amazing weddings, I love Bella and Liam with Mom in the background!
God is so good and it's so good to share with you the joys of life, no matter how busy!
I started a prayer vlog if any of you are interested, it's on my Youtube channel which you can get to on the links to the side of this Blog, just click on Calebtube on the top right.
Thanks for the generosity that you have shown toward my wife and I concerning this trip to Thailand. The Lord provides and he uses incredibly generous people like you to do it! Thank you!
May God bless you all!
Diane is coming to Thailand with me and that means we need to raise double the money! So if you are interested in partnering with Diane and I in her going to serve in Thailand with me this summer please click on the supporting the work tab at the top of the page and make a one time donation to my ministry. We have to raise $5,000 total for the both of us to go.