24Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize.25Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 26Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly; I do not fight like a boxer beating the air. 27No, I strike a blow to my body and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.

This is the man that made my last trip a wonderful and worthwhile endeavor. David Robbins the fourth! He and his charming wife picked me up at the airport and whisked me off to a delicious dinner (they were fattening me up for some cannibals in Africa I think) where I had a hamburger with an egg on it. Yes, an egg on it, and it was very delicious!
The picture above was taken the next day, David led me on a wonderful hike up a logging road behind his house and we enjoyed a great view at the top of this hill. It was so nice getting to catch up with him, both his life and his incredible hiking pace. It was also nice getting a chance to work off some of that hamburger :).

Later that afternoon David introduced me to his friends over at his brother in laws house. We had some delicious pizza (Papa Murphy's stuffed crust), the remains of which you can see, and nice fellowship while we played games. It was great getting to know his friends and family better.
When we got home that night I got to see the programs that he has written during his time researching and writing his doctorate paper. The topic is very interesting and I know his ideas will really help the world. It's funny the things that we don't know about each other, like I knew David was getting his doctorate I just never knew the details of what that meant. There is so much joy in visiting and getting to know people, that you know well, even better.
The next day we headed off to church in the cooling rain. It had been a little warm up until that point and the rain brought with it a welcome change in temperature. The church service was familiar, very like the one I used to attend at River of Life. After church we headed home for lunch and a game of Ticket to Ride before heading off to small group.
I enjoyed getting to share my vision and purpose in his small group. It was different sharing with my peer group and not an older crowd. So far I have been able to share in a variety of settings; one on one, Sunday school, Church and small group. The small group was a great setting because I had a chance before and after I spoke to build new friendships. Before group we ate tacos and after group we ate cheesecake. Okay so maybe I'm writing too much about the food :)...
The next day I got up excited to head home but sad to be leaving my cousin and his family.

Here are Davids beautiful daughter, Adrienne and wife Stephanie. Special thanks to Adrienne for letting me sleep in her "Hello Kitty" bedroom, and to Stephanie for being such a good hostess.
After a light breakfast David and I headed into town for lunch... well for a lunch meeting that is. David set up an opportunity for me to talk to his pastor and youth pastor. It was a wonderful and very filling lunch (this place has a three patty burger and a challenge: finish the burger and fries in 12 minutes and it's free, no I didn't accept the challenge) and a good reminder that life is about relationship and everything we do springs from that.

After lunch I got to go and see where David works but since our parking was in a dubious spot we rushed though and got back to the car while we were sure that it would still be there. Then off to the airport where I enjoyed a very light supper while I waited to fly home.

I also caught up on some work while I ate and well some Facebook too :). The Lord never ceases to surprise me with blessings along the way. The latest blessing was an empty row of three seats on the plane just for me. It was great getting to lie down and relax on the 2 hour flight home. Thank you God for your blessings that are new every morning... and evening... and during random flights that I get to go on.
I got back from Alabama Monday night. Tuesday I went into the office and then had fun taking some of the MK's that I don't get to see very often, out for ice cream with Bob Alber my very understanding and wonderful boss. Wednesday I packed, I was just too excited I couldn't wait :). Thursday I got the last few things I needed from the store, and today I will finish writing this and then spend lots of time with my kids, which will include going to an award ceremony for Creed.
For spiritual victory, I've been under some strange attacks, including dificulty sleeping and anger
That I will be able to have the energy I need to be a blessing and servant on this trip
For me as I put the finishing touches on what I hope to teach, that God will use me to encourage and bless his children
For my wife and family as they juggle life without me; that Diane especially will have the support she needs to get her work done and not have to stay up all night to do.
If anyone want's to help Diane out this next week please let me know and I will get you two in touch. The main thing is being available to help watch the kids.
This is the last leg and God has been so faithful and kind!
For you who make this all possible through your prayers that are being answered! and through your support!
For the many blessings that God pours out on me and my family daily!
I'm not sure how much information I've given concerning my trip to Guinea. I'm going to run a youth program during a mission conference. I will be gone a week. I'm going with a team not alone. I'm really excited to be going back to Africa after being away since 2001.
I'm truly blessed by you all, and I'm very excited to share my adventures with you when I get back. I don't know that I will get the next entry out by next Friday but I will definitely get it out as soon as I can. Thanks for your interest in my life and how God is using it.
Seek Him first!
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and search for Caleb Robbins and then click on Caleb and Diane Robbins. Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my three precious children Creed 6, Asher 3, and Liam 1.