Fathers day!!! Well lets just say that this year was hands down the best fathers day I've ever had! Diane and kids, thanks for making me feel so loved and appreciated! It rained, we grilled, we watched a family movie and I got tons of amazing presents! Perfect day with the family!
Okay so what has happened...
Birthdays! Bella is now 1 years old and Asher is now 6! So good!
Bella you live up to your name! You are beautiful and amazing and you bring joy to my life, you are full of life, feisty and charming and curious and delightful! I love being your dad and I love getting to know you better every day!
Asher you are a kind thoughtful servant hearted genuine strong and all around amazing little boy. You are a beast! I love you so much and I'm so grateful for you in my family!
My wonderful Grandmother passed away, and that made life interesting for awhile getting the memorial planned and my Dad coming home. I also got to see my cousin David and my Uncle Al and Aunt Anna Jo and my other cousin Katie and that was really nice! It was a wonderful time of family and rememberinge. Our hearts break for Poppy who is left here feeling lonely, but he is in good hands and it has been good to see him at different fun events, like Asher's birthday party :).

(This was the tribute I posted for Nana on my Facebook page) My amazing Grandmother died yesterday. I called her Nana, and I never really knew her all that well. That is one of the things being an MK has robbed from me, it truly is a give and take experience. I remember her reading "Holly and Ivy" to me as well as "Winnie the Pooh", I remember her delicious food and cookies on the counter. I remember the nice breakfasts we would have over at her house, I remember her laugh and smile and quiet nature. I remember how much I appreciated knowing that she too thought it was funny when people tripped or something like that, she had endless compassion but funny is funny smile emoticon. She was a legend alongside my Grandfather and her story continues. I know that whatever glimpses of her I had on this side will be completed on the other. That is the give part of walking with the Lord and having a heritage that has chosen to do just that. Perhaps I didn't know my Nana the way that I would have liked here, but I hear eternity is a pretty long time, and I can picture myself sitting beside her watching somebody trip over a golden paving stone and giving a knowing smile before we check to make sure they are okay, I can imagine just getting to hear the story of her life and getting to finally know the legend that was my grandmother, and also a member that makes up the bride of Christ. The gospel is an amazing thing, it truly impacts all of life and brings joy! My grandfather is left here, and he misses her so much! My heart goes out to you Poppy, I love you! Death helps us remember to make the most of life, and Jesus helps us remember that in him we never die! To life, to Nana who lived a brilliant one, and to eternity where we get to know the people that we never did on earth! God is good... all the time!
Even while my Dad was still here I left to see my cousin in Alabama (I had planned the trip before he planned his :). It was so nice to get away and see him and his beautiful family. We celebrated his wife's birthday while we were there among other fun things. I really enjoy doing yard work and we did many hours of that as well as just sitting and talking and enjoying being cousins and amazing friends.
Can you find the snake in the picture below?
Well, my time in Alabama was certainly fun and very refreshing and it let me get ready for the deep plunge when I got back. The week I got back Mk started back up again and life took off with all its wonderful fun! The past week I taught at PBT Resource and at Total Education and that was incredibly fun and rewarding. I really enjoyed getting to meet the kids and teachers and parents and it was great sharing things with them that I think will really make a positive difference in their lives. After it was all over on Friday some of the kids and I went to North Texas Food Bank and served. It was a busy fun wonderful week and I'm so thankful that I got some time with Abigail Pruett and Jordan Isenberg before they leave for college, and it was great meeting Jordan's friend Ellie.
So now I'm embracing the last few weeks here before Diane and I leave for Thailand! Yeah it's coming up and I'm so excited! Please pray for us as we prepare to leave and for our time there, that it will be very productive and glorify God in every way!
Whew that was nice and long and I hope interesting!
You are an incredible group of friends, family and supporters! I'm so grateful and thankful for you! I couldn't do any of this without you and I wouldn't want to try :).
Bless you all!
Diane is coming to Thailand with me and that means we need to raise double the money! So if you are interested in partnering with Diane and I in her going to serve in Thailand with me this summer please click on the supporting the work tab at the top of the page and make a one time donation to my ministry. We have to raise $5,000 total for the both of us to go.
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis (for a mission trip to Thailand perhaps :) or on a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page. Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my precious children Creed 8, Asher 6, Liam 3, Echo already in heaven and Bella 1!