I love this job... it's like a whirlwind of awesome that takes over sometimes... just when you sit down to talk about all the wonderful things that God is doing, you look ahead just a little and see so many more on the horizon... I've been a little negligent with my Blog... I'm excited to share (as short as I know how) all the amazing things that have happened!
We have had some amazing guest speakers at MK this year so far. The man pictured in the first picture below is deaf and one of the best communicators I have ever met. He graced our group with his testimony and we now have an MK group dedicated to learning sign language and hopefully we will raise up workers for the harvest in the Deaf community. So many Deaf people don't know Jesus and almost none have access to the Word in their own language! I'm excited to get involved! Mark, you are a stud!
Then Lindsay came and spent two weeks helping us learn how to have conversations with God! One week we learned; the next week we practiced! What an amazing group we have and how cool to have such amazing people available to share with them.
And of course, the kids are epic and I love getting back in the rhythm of going to lunch with them! Here we have some kids who are TCKs and came in via school friends. Their parents attended CFNI and have a home with us other crazy TCKs!
I had the great honor of doing another wedding! These amazing Sean and Jordan people got married October 3 and it was so cool to officiate it! I have known them both through high school and college and am so grateful to have this role in their lives starting together. So blessed by them and proud of them! I charged them to rely on the love of God and it has been an inspiration to me also with my bride. The wedding was great and getting dressed up was fun... but nothing compared to lighting 40 sparklers and watching a torch erupt in my hands as they ran by to their get away car. Good memories!

I've enjoyed some special times with Diane. Here we are going to see Judah and the Lion. Diane loves concerts and I love seeing her come alive and sharing those experiences with her!
Halloween and all its fall festivals and parties came and went. Last year I was in India during this time and missed all the fun. I didn't grow up making much of Halloween but as an adult, I have enjoyed all the fun that accompanies it.
It was great having the MKs come and help with the Fall Festival at my church again! That is always a fun time, and afterward we enjoyed watching Rocky 3... maybe the best movie of all time :).
I've also enjoyed having lunch with my son at Village Tech! It's been so cool seeing him thrive in his new school, although they did have a scare the other day when a bullet was found. It amounted to nothing much other than a great story! It's also science fair time... prayers appreciated!
I just got back from a trip to Thailand. A weekend affair, and a crazy time! I was gone for six days total and it was amazing. I went to share about Trauma Healing as it relates to caring for TCKs.
It blessed me how the community surrounded my wife while I was gone. Here is a picture of her partying while I was away! I'm so blessed to have such good people surrounding my family.
I also met 'Indian Joel'! His name is Johan and meeting him was one of the highlights of my trip! It was so special to feel at home with all these amazing TCKs! We bonded and have a group where we message and I was blown away by all the Birthday wishes that these new friends sent my way! I'm also very excited because from this amazing trip has come an invitation to do a conference in Brazil! I've been hoping to get to South America for a long time and I'm excited to see what God has for me on this next adventure!
My amazing Diane just ran her first 5K! She crushed it and I'm so proud of her... what a beautiful wife I have... so lucky! It was really a fun day out there with the kids. Diane's Mom also ran and did quite well herself!
MK continues to bless me and exceed my expectations! Here is Cameron sharing the lesson a few Mondays ago on Peer Pressure. He did a spectacular job and even had an amazing Power Point to accompany his lesson! He was so good and my son Creed said afterward "Dad he might be better than you"! I'm so thrilled to see what God is doing in this group. Watching the kids shine bright and become incredible leaders is so edifying!
This is a picture of my Birthday party! I'm 37 now!!!! I love having people over and fellowship around the fire. Worship (Josh and Abby led a wonderful time of worship for us!) is always the highlight of the evening! God is so good and so faithful!
We went and saw Frozen 2 during the Thanksgiving break! It evoked strong feelings in me... I was haunted by the phrase "Behold I'm making everything new..." and found it comes from Revelation 21:5. It was an amazing time of worship, being overwhelmed by the goodness and kindness of God. I did not expect it to happen at the theater, but I'll let God have his way with me wherever he pleases :).
It was another fantastic Thanksgiving around the Gebauer table! We did our Friday celebration again this year and enjoyed the parade and football the day before! We talked, ate, and played games and enjoyed the blessings of family!
To cap off the week we went to the Dallas Zoo lights as a family! It was so much fun! We have our Christmas on full power now :)!
Then Asher got to sing in the tree lighting ceremony for Cedar Hill with his school!
The very next day, we went to Duncanville's parade and tree lighting. It was fantastic!
Saturday I had the joy of visiting this handsome man down where he goes to college at Mary Harden Baylor. I delivered that wood burning that Nadia did so well for him! It was great seeing where he lives and taking him out for lunch and seeing a football game with him. I love this kid so much and I'm so proud of him! JT!!! What a stud!
While I was away, Diane went on a trip of her own to go and see her sister Kelsey for her birthday. It was something of a sisters/Mom trip! I'm missing her and looking forward to seeing her again this evening!
The theme and challenge this month for MK is Wonder! I enjoyed a sense of that this morning staring out the window on the 4th floor of the the building I work in and letting God just love on me! What a beautiful picture! What evokes wonder in you?
As you can tell, life is very busy and it's hard to share it all in the detail that I would like! I haven't even talked about the Trauma Healing workshop I helped to lead :). This blog alone has taken me a month to write and is probably a bit long already! My heart is so full and I'm so thankful to all of you for being a huge part of the wonder in my life! God is moving mightily here and the ministry is thriving! You are the foundation of that with your prayer and support, your love and relationship! I can't do this without you and your encouragement and partnership! Thank you for loving me and my family and following God's call in your life to be a part of this adventure!

If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or with recurring gifts, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and sign up for Chase Quickpay. You can then send your donation to HCLC - Caleb Robbins Ministry using my e-mail address caleb_robbins@sil.org. If you would like further instructions on setting that up, please click on the link at the top right of the page called How to give. Or feel free to contact me directly! 214 558 8431.
Another way to donate to the ministry is via check. If you write a check to "Holy Cross Lutheran Church" and put "Caleb Robbins Ministry" in the memo line, it will get deposited into my ministry account.
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