The school year is winding down and with it the anticipation of summer and beach weather are nigh upon us!
Perhaps this will seem a little strange to include in a blog... but... this pigeon adopted our house for a couple of weeks. I haven't seen the pigeon lately (a phrase I never thought I'd type) and in a way miss this silly bird. A lone pigeon, holing its way into our hearts. We looked up some fun stuff about pigeons as this milk producing bird looked down on us many an evening from our roof. It even joined me in the garage during one of my workouts and was less than 3 feet away from me. Needless to say a domesticated pigeon lives almost 5 times longer than a wild one. This made me think about God asking us to subdue the earth and the harmony that we are supposed to have with nature and with him. A domesticated human (one that enjoys a loving relationship pursuing the knowledge of God) lives forever :). Any way... those are some pigeon musings for you :).

We recently had the joy of sharing a zoo day with a family recently moved to the area. The Humistons! They have kids close to our kids ages and Jeremy works with me in the MK youth group. It was great to get out there with 4 adults and 9 kids and look at all kinds of animals... a zoo within a zoo... some kind of weird inception thing :).
I had the nostalgic privillage of graduating my MK seniors this past Monday. It is always hard to see them go. The group will surely miss them! I enjoyed giving the charge. I am so grateful that Nadia is working with me now and can help me put events like this together. I have such a great team working with me and it was a wonderful evening!

I recorded my charge and the link to it is below.
Graduation Charge
It's hard to find me because I'm disguised in nice clothing. I'm the one with the red beard :).
Here is a picture from our latest MK service project. We went to Walmart and allowed the Holy Spirit to guide us in what I call normal Christianity. We just simply purposed to love those around us with the love we ourselves have received. We put carts away, picked up trash, loaded and unloaded groceries for people, prayed for people and practiced noticing how we can share the gospel by serving and loving in a normal situation that we all find ourselves in regularly. I talked to people I usually pass by because I'm so focused on getting what I came to the store for and forget that loving people in front of me is part of why I'm on the planet. It was such a rewarding and fun experience.

For the many meetings and speakings and trauma healings that will make up my summer in the near future!
For my trip to Thailand in mid-July.
For a smooth transition from SIL to Pioneer Bible Translators as the group that sponsors the Dallas MK program.
The school year is wrapping up nicely!
I also praise God for you! Thank you for making all this great stuff possible! I was nearly brought to tears on Monday as one of the parents was sharing with me the impact that I and the group have had on their daughter! I was overwhelmed how God used me and this group and then so grateful that I'm not in this alone; that you are a part of all these stories. The joys are ours and I am so thankful for people who stand behind me in word and deed :). Thank you for the prayers and the financial support. Thank you for the love and relationship! Thank you for believing that what we do here is important!

This was the prayer I prayed for the seniors and it's my prayer for you as well!
I love you!
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or with recurring gifts, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and sign up for Chase Quickpay. You can then send your donation to HCLC - Caleb Robbins Ministry using my e-mail address If you would like further instructions on setting that up, please click on the link at the top right of the page called How to give. Or feel free to contact me directly! 214 558 8431.
Another way to donate to my ministry is via check. If you write a check to "Holy Cross Lutheran Church" and put "Caleb Robbins Ministry" in the memo line it will get deposited into my ministry account.
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