I don't know why I named this post that. Maybe because I love this month and it's kind of a play off of Thanksgiving. Please pass the November and the mashed potatoes and a little more to drink, if you don't mind? Anyway, on to the pictures :).
What's something I really enjoy? Glad you asked :)... watching the Cowboys with my friends on Sunday afternoon. We have developed a great little fellowship there! Here is a picture of the exciting times we have... I love this guy!
I'm a very proud father! This amazing girl is so adorable... look at that smile and just let the melting begin :). Diane has been doing a great job raising these girls and sharing her shoes with them... I think they love it. I never imagined having 5 kids... now I can't imagine anything better. So grateful for a heavenly Father that gives such amazing gifts and with such wisdom!
Creed!!! The newest member of the National Elementary Honor Society! So impressed with this amazing kid. Just turned 10 and shining so bright!
I'm also really proud of and grateful for an amazing group of people to do ministry with. Nadia is well on her way to being fully supported and then full time with me and Bob in the ministry! I can't wait to have such a natural decorator to share the office with :|.
Asher takes after me in so many ways and it is so cool having such a goofy kid! Here Diane has done his hair in this amazing new style and I love it! He's fierce... watch out :).
Our family had the joy of being a part of the new building dedication over with Pioneer Bible Translators. The 'Vision' building! It was such a unique and incredible experience. We all read a portion of scripture, including Creed and Asher, and got to be around a multitude of people reading the entire Bible in over 40 languages (Diane read in another language even!). It took 23 minutes to get it done. The whole Bible in one sitting. I don't know that it's ever been done before and I don't know when it will be done again. It was so cool! Here we are sitting missionary style in the dirt! Growing up in Africa prepared me for that moment :).
Look at this gem! Yeah, the house that I now live in back in the good old days when it was governed by my incredible Grandparents who have since left for a place that was well prepared for them by a master carpenter. They triumphed in hospitality, as you can see by this birthday celebration! I hope this blesses many of you!
One of the best weekends of the year for dentists just happened and it was a great time to celebrate with my MKs! They came and served at my church and we enjoyed another fantastic costume and candy time... Fall Festival and Chili cook off! The evening ended with a movie in my garage. We all kept each other warm while watching the classic "Fiddler on the Roof." These MK's live out the Word so powerfully. They serve without complaining and they have incredible attitudes!
Diane is the most incredible person I know. It's pretty cool that I got to marry her and that she consented to being the mother of the amazing 6 (Echo is in our hearts always). The bride of my youth and the master seamstress to my youth. She made Asher and Creed's costumes this year and only sacrificed hours of time and sleep. She is amazing and one day my kids will truly understand the incredible gift God gave them in their mother!
My birthday is coming up and I'm very excited to be 35. Okay, maybe not that... but I am very grateful for the years the Lord has given me and I feel so richly blessed! I'm surrounded by an incredible community and I delight in the opportunity that I get to serve and love so many incredible people! Thank you for making these last 5 years in full time ministry possible. I rejoice and give thanks for you! You show me what it means to thrive in the body of Christ, how working together we can accomplish so much for the Kingdom! I'm overwhelmed by your friendship, prayers, love, support, encouragement, and spurring on!
For wisdom and humility as I continue to do this ministry!
For a healthy season in the family as things get colder and sickness abounds!
For Diane and I as we prepare for the Solomon Island trip coming up next year!
For God the provider and the great gift!
For His son who became God with us and for us!
For the incredible things that God is doing in the MK ministry and the way He is providing for the way forward!
God is teaching me more and more about what it means to "be" and how to rest in what that truth provides. There is an entering into His rest and there is an end to striving! These following verses have been such an encouragement to me as I seek to shine brightly for my King. I recently had the privilege of hosting some Mormons in my home. We had a great time talking and sharing and I loved learning about their mission and what it looks like. I shared what I had with them and then they left. Sometimes I have felt that I ought to have done more or something else, or felt like I have to save people instead of just being a witness of the One who truly saves. These verses encouraged me and I hope they encourage you!

If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or with recurring gifts, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and sign up for Chase Quickpay. You can then send your donation to HCLC - Caleb Robbins Ministry using my e-mail address caleb_robbins@sil.org. If you would like further instructions on setting that up, please click on the link at the top right of the page called How to give. Or feel free to contact me directly! 214 558 8431.
Another way to donate to my ministry is via check. If you write a check to "Holy Cross Lutheran Church" and put "Caleb Robbins Ministry" in the memo line it will get deposited into my ministry account.
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