My Photos!

This was the theme of this trip for me! I got it. Finally this verse put to death the remnants of my self righteousness and belief that the weight of this trip was on me instead of on God.
So I did offer my body as a living sacrifice and found that God's mercy is more than sufficient. He is rich in mercy and full of love! Wow, tears come to my eyes when I think of our Great and Mighty God!
and now for some testimonies...
We made every connection going and coming! Although every time there was no way that we should have! God's Mercy! One time we landed as the plane we needed to leave on began boarding... God is good!
I got to pray for a lot of people on this trip and it was so great seeing the impact that made on those I prayed for and those who noticed. I am trying to set an example of boldness and a lifestyle that is normal. Christ's love compels us and so we pray for those we meet because we don't always have silver and gold, but what we have we give. I prayed for the guys who I rented snorkel equipment from and it was so cool how afterwards someone on the beach who noticed ran up to me and thanked me for all the work we were doing and how much it meant to him. He had just gotten out of the army and was flying for United. I asked him how I could pray for him and he smiled and thanked me again and left. But, I prayed for him any way :).
I went to pray for the gas station attendants and brought in my Jamaican brother Joel to show him that this is something that can be a part of his ministry too! Joel said afterwards "that was hard but I'm going to do it now, next time it's my turn." It was so cool, he didn't want to pray in the store, so I asked if I could. The lady came out from around the counter and I laid hands on her and prayed for the whole staff. After I was done one of the male staff named Andrew asked me to pray just for him. I started and he added 'pray for me to get a white wife'. I cracked up and prayed for God to bless him with the wife that was the perfect color for him :).
This verse really sums up the way that this group lived in Jamaica. They didn't have good or bad attitudes they had new attitudes! It was so cool seeing them shine like the lights they are and to do everything without complaining or arguing. It's like they really have the Holy Spirit in them and are living out this thing in victory! From fullness and not towards it! It blessed me in more ways than I can express! There were no lack of reasons to complain, but really when you have a new attitude all you can see is the greatness and goodness of God and you live blessed by His perspective!
We worked really hard, but in waves. We didn't always have hard work for everyone, so this left a lot of time for people to be creative in how they would serve. Abby! Shout out to this girl who used her spare time to paint a verse on a scrap piece of wood for the people we were there to serve!
We got to go to an infirmary and an orphanage for handicapped people and both experiences were incredible. I talked about being confident and bold in our prayers. If Jesus walked into those places they just might shut down for lack of patients. It was so cool to see the kids laying hands on and praying boldly for healing and not letting what they didn't see happen shake their faith that God is good and God can and does heal! They were the feet and hands of Christ and it was amazing. They fearlessly rubbed lotion on people and sang with them and shared the love of Christ with them. They listened to them and fed them and saw them through the eyes of their savior. They didn't shy away, they brought the power of Christ with them, He lives inside of these kids and He got out all over the people we touched! He is love and I saw the love he gave us made complete as we shared it.

There are too many stories for a Blog. Needless to say, this was the first Mission trip for many and for many it was their first time out of the country. Lives were changed, people were shaken by God's love and we all are home now with a greater knowledge of who God is and how much he loves! Thank you for your support that made this possible! Your love for me and my ministry and your support made this a reality! Praise God for his mercy and let it change our lives forever!
Now some pictures from coming home! It's hard to believe I'm back and don't leave again anytime soon. I'm so happy to be home for a while!
I got back on a Wednesday. That Friday the MKs went to Ellen's Amusement. It was so great to get to see those kids that I missed so much! Here are some pictures of that time if you are interested. Ellen's Amusement.
My front yard is wild kingdom! Here are some friends that I got some pictures of and hope that they find a good home... far away from my house. I am rethinking leaving my garage door open so much. But, boy are they cute!
It was good to get back to Monday night with the MK's. They make my heart feel all warm like a sunflower... lol.
Yesterday was a great day with friends and family! I really enjoyed watching the parade with Greg and Laura and the Walkenshaw gang! Then home for some swim time and then a great time grilling in the afternoon. After some time at the park in the afternoon with bounce houses and music, we made it home to relax and cool off before heading down to the curb to enjoy a great fireworks show. It's nice to live close to the show so I don't have to drive off anywhere. God is good! I praise him for the freedom we get to enjoy in this country and everywhere because of his Son. If the Son has set you free, you are free indeed! Amen!
Tonight I'm back on with the Rocky Marathon! Life goes on at the ever hectic pace, but we all must still choose to set apart Christ as Lord and spend the time getting to know Him. I'm excited for my time in the Word today. An MK came up to me on Monday and asked for some help in getting into the Bible more. My theory is that an Epistle a day keeps the devil at bay :). I challenged him to read Colossians every day this week and tell me what he is learning. Well, day two and he's rocking it! It blesses my heart so much I can't express to see him in the Word and to hear the riches he's mining! Wow! Thank you for the joy of working with these amazing MKs!

Thanks for standing behind me in this amazing ministry! I love you all and I'm so grateful for you!
There is lots to pray for!
Healing for Bob's leg! For Rhonda and her whole body! For Cancer to leave two parents of my MK's! We have breast cancer to crush in the name of Jesus and brain cancer as well!

For a great trip where His mercies were new every morning. For lives changed. That nothing went wrong at home while I was gone! For God and his goodness!
May you live in the fullness that comes from knowing Him! Be blessed! I love you!

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