It's been so nice being back! I have really enjoyed teaching MK and I'm really looking forward to our youth conference this weekend "Planet Wisdom". I just love working with teenagers... that's why it was kind of sad when MK was cancelled this week due to bad weather. Everything got iced and for two days we were stuck inside with work and school closed.

What do you do with a four day weekend? Well I don't know what you do but I know that at about noon on Monday I was so stir crazy that I started going through drawers and bowls of the kind of stuff that just gets thrown in places. I organized and cleaned up the collect all places in my house. It feels so great getting stuff organized and cleaned up and it makes coming back to work even more of a joy.
This morning when I got in I felt compelled to walk through the woods behind the center. It was so nice! I have really enjoyed just being with my family these last couple days, and now I'm really enjoying being back at work! God is good and gives us just what we need when we need it.
Please pray for the MKs this weekend at Planet Wisdom!
I'm so thankful to God for health and strength and daily bread, for friends and family and snowy weather! I'm so thankful for partners like you!
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis (for a mission trip to Thailand perhaps :) or on a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page. Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my precious children Creed 7, Asher 5, Liam 3, Echo already in heaven and Bella, getting bigger all the time.
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