And step by step you'll lead me and I will follow you all of my days...
The new year has brought an amazingly fun and busy month. January 2015 where have you been all my life... oh yeah my whole life has been preparing for you :). So the month started with a race to get my Visa for Cameroon in order, all the forms have been sent and now I wait eagerly for the good news that I am able to go and go legally :). Then came a wonderful little oasis in the busyness, a trip to Austin to see friends. It was great to have a weekend with the Sieks and a great gift to have David G. there as well (one of the MKs from Thailand trips past). He's the one sporting a very nice Cowboy snuggy! We went down with my cousin Sami and his wonderful family. Below are his daughter my daughter and the Sieks grandson.
We had our own Cowboy watching party on Sunday, it was mostly friendly territory as you can see, and I brought down most of my stuff to help decorate, jerseys, snuggy's, and good company, but it wasn't enough and the Cowboys fell to the Packers. It was a sad loss for me but, God works his healing in the darkest of times :), I'm just grateful for the season they had.
Well we got back from Austin around 6 pm, just in time for me to race over to my Learning that Lasts meet and greet. It was so nice to slide in and indulge in some Pappa Johns and other goodies after a 3 hour car ride. I was the youngest in the bunch, there was someone a year older but after that it wasn't even close. That was an amazing thing to me, it was great being in there and feeling very much a part of the class, I didn't feel out of place at all! It was so good, I was very skeptical at first. I know this is something that my parents are really in to. I didn't know how respected my Mom was in this area though, that was a highlight for me! She was called 'a jedi master' of learning that lasts. Wow, that was awesome!
I feel like I really grew from the class and will take things away that will help make my teaching way more impact full. I'm still figuring it out, but thankfully I teach at least twice a week so I have lots of time to practice :). Bellow are some pictures from my class :).
The class ended on Friday and Saturday I was back out there with the MKs serving at Dallas Life, a local homeless shelter. It was so great to serve with the wonderful MKs, I really enjoy my job so very much!

Sunday came and it was a great opportunity to teach my class at church in my new found teaching style. It was great. Then Monday arrived and I had another crack at it with the MKs. I think that I'm getting there, I just need to adjust how much content I give people to wrestle with. The style of teaching gives the learner a lot more input meaning there is less time and need for content. The learner provides a lot of the content them self, that is one of the reasons it lasts.
After class I enjoyed finding this...
Those wonderful college MKs, I feel the love, really I feel the love... now where are you parked? Anyway that was fun. Well, Monday had been a holiday for my family (Thanks Martin Luther King) and we took the time to finally take down all our Christmas stuff. Yeah we are those people who leave it up til almost February...
Tuesday found my poor wife feeling too sick to go to work. Thanks for your prayers, she is much better now and so is Mark who was also fighting the flu most of the weekend. Our prayer is that it ends with them... we are using essential oils and knocking this stuff out! It is truly amazing how well they work!
And here I am writing this on Wednesday. I need your prayers! I realized on Monday that I got my tickets to Cameroon arriving one day later than I need them. I need to change the flight and I need that to not impact my Visa. It is the waiting game for me now, waiting for the Visa to come back and then waiting to change my flights. God is giving me peace, probably because so many of you are praying!
1. Health in the family!
2. All the loose ends get tied up before I leave (packing, getting supplies)
3. I get my Visa and Passport etc... back soon!
4. I can change my flight!
5. My lessons are from the Lord and make the right impact!
Thanks so much for partnering with me! I am so grateful for you and all you do and how you involve yourself! Your prayers and support are so powerful and so meaningful! I am blessed to have you on my team!
Big problems? God is BIGGER!
p.s. I have a wonderful mission trip to Cameroon coming up which will cost $2300 (after I change the arrival date). Thanks for your prayers and financial support! It is wonderful to have peace buying the tickets knowing that God will use you to get me there and back again :).
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis (for a mission trip to Cameroon perhaps :) or on a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page. Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my precious children Creed 7, Asher 5, Liam 3, Echo already in heaven and Bella, getting bigger all the time.
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