We studied 'what it means to be an MK' and did an activity where the kids could put on paper what they thought about the country that their families were working in. It was really fun to see all the things they came up with... and I have their posters in my office now... I feel like a dad putting up pictures on his fridge.

The night ran really smoothly and everything started and ended on time which is amazing! I'm really looking forward to a great year. We will do an MK specific lesson the first week of each month and are studying Francis Chan's "Surrender" series during the rest of the month.
My parents returned safely and jet lagged and are already heading off for a conference this weekend in Oklahoma. It's so good to have them home for a little while and my kids are so excited to see them. Asher spotted them first and ran out of child care to give them a big hug. He is definitely my most affectionate child.
Diane is pregnant (cheering and much rejoicing and fanfare and fireworks) again with our 4th child and she is struggling through morning sickness right now, poor thing. She went home yesterday and just slept for most of the day, but she is tough and is trying to get some stuff done this morning at the office.
My back is doing much better, I feel that I'm 'over the hump' which means that I have more good times than bad throughout the day. I can sit and when I get up I can get back to walking normally after only a few steps and I'm not in constant pain. I'm working out again which is nice and my stretching is really helping. Thanks for your prayers!
Kelsey is coming to visit today and I'm looking forward to seeing her and her boyfriend Patrick! They will spend the weekend with us and it will be nice for them to see Diane so close to her birthday, which was this past Wednesday. I'm no Diane when it comes to birthdays but we did buy her an apple pie and sing to her and I took her out for lunch and the kids and I and Joel (who is really quite artistic) and Mark (sort of, he has good intentions) made her cards. I also read her an awesome poem that I found in a book that I gave her as a wedding present. Overall it was a good day although she was feeling a little sick during it.
For her big surprise party (which was last Friday and only the events were a surprise) we went out to this neat restaurant called Zannata's (or something with a Z) they make amazing pizza. After that we went sailing, it was hard to find the place where the boat was... you may be thinking 'just look for water' but let me remind you we are in Texas and there isn't much of it. However, we made it to the boat and it all worked out great. She is 29 for the 3rd time? no she isn't like that... she is 31 and proud of it. At least I hope she is :). It was nice to carpool with our good friends the Johnson's, it was nice to get to sit next to Diane and hold her hand and focus on her not the road.
Our first MK small group that Diane and I co-lead, was great. We had a good number of kids show up and the study was a lot of fun. I really enjoy getting to spend time with these amazing MK's. We are going to be studying 'Apologetic's' with Matt Chandler the pastor of the Village Church, he is also going to co-lead... or rather we are using his video series.
Today we are blessed with rain here in Dallas; it threw my awesome, messy, game night plans out the window but that is okay, I now have other plans that include mainly taking care of my amazing wife. Diane I'm so proud of you and so thankful for you and happy that you are the strong amazing woman that you are and can carry our precious children (and that I don't have to).
God is good and is leading my family beside still waters and is restoring my soul... sounds like something a good shepherd would do :).
Bless you guys thanks so much for being a part of my adventure. I wake up most every day with a smile because I get to do this amazing job and I couldn't do it without you! I have the greatest job in the world and I have the best supporters in the world!
If you feel called to support what I do financially please click the tab at the top of the page and search for Caleb and Diane Robbins. You are an invaluable member of my team and I couldn't do what God has called me to do if He didn't also call you. Bless you!
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