Romans 2:4
4 Or do you show contempt for the riches of his kindness, forbearance and patience, not realizing that God’s kindness is intended to lead you to repentance?
That picture makes me smile so much because I remember when that rose bush was doing it's very best to just push out a leaf or two. After a really rough winter and summer I wondered if it was going to make it.... but look at it now. I think that we can all relate to that rose bush from time to time; we feel like it's all that we can do to just keep on living, and forget about being something special.
When I got back from Guinea I was thrilled to have had a month of adventures but I was very tired and ready to just live a little. But, I think about that rose bush and that verse and I marvel at my God, the lover of my soul, my good father, and I keep on smiling. He makes all things beautiful in their proper time.

Wait someone is missing... oh yeah he's in the box... wait no we are all in the box...
These pictures just prove that I should have invested in less conventional toys and more large boxes for my kids to play with :).

You guessed it we went to the Austin zoo... and it was fantastic. The kids really had fun running around and feeding animals and I think Liam.... any way, they also really relate to the zoo, as you can see in the picture to the right they are wild animals themselves.

And, it's always nice when your kids make new friends...
So not only was the zoo a very special treat for all of us but at the end of that day we were very pleasantly surprised by a delightful date night. The amazing Sieks sent us to the nicest Theater I have ever been to. It had reclining leather chairs and a menu filled with great food.

The weekend was relaxing and filled with good family time and time with friends. I can't thank the Sieks enough for their hospitality. Another joy was sharing my journey with Rosemary Siek. I have been on many a mission trip to Thailand with Rosemary but to my shame had never shared what I'm doing now with her. It was a God thing and it is very encouraging to have her prayers and support!
Monday came and it was back in the office and me trying to figure out how the shoe fits again. Bob and I ran around getting ready for graduation night, which mostly entailed us hanging decorations... yeah not my forte but Bob is a regular Martha Stewart :). The night went really well because God showed up and stole the show.
If you are interested in hearing my sermon you can click on the link "Caleb's Media" in the upper right corner; I have it posted there along with some other sermons I preached this past year. I also made a slide show of my trip to Guinea and put it there.
The week has flown by like so many weeks seem to do. I am continuing to figure out exactly what my new life means for me and every step along the path I'm finding that the shoe fits really nicely and that the path although narrow is really great because the leader is so kind and faithful. So many new things to do and learn and so many little adventures that spring up.
I enjoyed visiting a girl who will be joining our group this summer, she is finally old enough! yay! I enjoyed running errands, like picking up decorations and graduation gifts. I enjoyed doing a random service project for a valued member of the MK community, and I enjoyed brainstorming for Jamaica and figuring out what to do when the weather doesn't cooperate with our plans.
I'm enjoying feeling like that rose bush, although I may feel that I am barely making it sometimes I know that God is making me grow and turning me as well as you into something beautiful that will bring glory to Him. And, that is what my rose bush does, it grows and produces beautiful roses and a rough summer and winter can't do anything to stop it, and as it brings joy to those who pass it by. Hopefully they, as do I, praise God for his creativity and the beauty that he spreads around our lives, and they remember that He is kind. May his kindness bless you and lead you as it has for me!
My back/legs are giving me fits right now...
My wife is in the midst of a very exciting transition, pray for peace and trust in the process.
Mark's play is this weekend, pray it goes really well!
Rest and strength, this is a busy time of year for my family.
My back/legs are keeping me very humble... and they could be much worse!
I am so thankful for you! I really love doing what I do and I know that I can only do it because of you!

I see a resemblance! They all make me smile and I think they are all so amazingly Beautiful! Happy Mothers Day my amazing Diane! You are incredible and we are all so lucky to have you! You have raised some incredible vikings, and I praise God for you the best 'rose bush' of us all!

Proverbs 31: 26-28
26She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue.27She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.28Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:
Wow Diane, he didn't know he was talking about you, but I'd say he nailed it!
Blessings to you all!
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and search for Caleb Robbins and then click on Caleb and Diane Robbins. Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my three precious children Creed 6, Asher 3, and Liam 1.
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