18Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,20and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
That is why we boldly go, because we want to inspire others to walk as Jesus walked and we all want to join together as a body doing our part to accomplish the great commission. I'm thinking a lot about the word inspire as I prepare to head out soon on my first P.D. trip. I want to inspire others, I don't want to sell them my ministry I want to stir something in them that leads them into partnership with what God is doing, regardless of my ministry.
This week has been pure joy as I look back and consider the blessings that Jesus has poured out. I was considering how Easter is an arbitrary day but the reality of Easter lives with us constantly. The power of the resurrected Lord lives within us... because he lives we too will live.... do live, and our life is abundant!

Also eggs with candy is really cool and we see how the Lord gives us an abundant bounty? Yeah something like that. I love these kids!
This week has been rainy and cold for the most part, but before the rain came I got inspired to plant 36 petunias and refresh my flower beds, the spring push has begun! It was great getting outside with my brother in law David and getting some sun and making things look new.

However, the experience wasn't too friendly on my back and left me feeling slightly discouraged, but God had many blessings in store around the corner in the form of volunteers from a local Christian College. On Thursday in the wet and cold weather that just blew through they came to my house and helped finish the spring push; doing in a couple of hours what would have taken me a couple of days. I am so blessed by them. I laughed thinking about the many hours early last month that I spent with the MK's doing the same kind of thing for other people and how God then sent people to my house.

So, I'm leaving my yard and my house looking great! I'm also leaving it in the great hands of my brothers in law who I know will take good care of things while we are gone. But ultimately this and all things are in Gods more then capable, kind, generous, and perfecting hands. As I think about leaving I think about all the times I did this as a kid and I'm laughing to myself thinking about how I'm taking my kids on a similar adventure... only we are in a Corolla not a station wagon.
For my back on the long trip
For Creed to have a great Birthday tomorrow
For blessing on the relationships that I go to strengthen and create, that I can do only what I see my Father doing and that I can bring glory to Him!
That the car will be good as we travel, as well as the kids and for safety!
For David and Mark that all their needs will be met.
I'm so thankful my family can come with me.
I'm so grateful for a place to go and share what I'm doing.
I'm so thankful for how all of you make this possible; that you have become such incredible partners with God in completing the great commission; and that you are helping me to boldly go and do my part.
May the truth of Jesus resurrection give life to your day and may the fact that he prepares a place for you give you hope and as we all wait for the day when we truly boldly go... may we all wait well!
If you want to support what I do a little or a lot, on a one time basis or a recurring basis, click on the tab "Supporting the Work" at the top of the page and search for Caleb Robbins and then click on Caleb and Diane Robbins. Diane is my beautiful wife and the mother of my three precious children Creed 5, Asher 3, and Liam 1.
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